New challenger for Geoffrey Cox

Torridge and Tavistock Lib Dems today announced that seasoned campaigner and social work manager, Phil Hutty, is to be their Parliamentary Candidate at the forthcoming General Election.
Having been born and grown up in Devon, Phil was moved to enter the world of politics through his experience of rural life and his dedication to public service. With 30 years’ experience as a children and families social worker, he has worked with people with learning disabilities, helped run youth groups, and supported people with life-changing injuries and illnesses in hospital, seeing at first-hand the inadequacies of Government, and the effects their disastrous decisions have on people.
Phil says that it is the way the current government has taken our region for granted that has made him want to stand for Parliament. Speaking after his selection was confirmed, he said:
‘There really is an arrogance of these Tory MPs who promised to listen, but have done everything but.
I am appalled that our Tory MP here in Torridge and Tavistock has consistently put making money, and his own career, above the people of this constituency and attending parliament.
When I knock on doors, I hear time and time again from people who’re fed up with empty promises and meaningless gestures. But now, it is not just our most vulnerable people that’ve been forgotten. We are ALL taken for granted and expected just to keep voting for them.
I meet people who have to decide between heating or food. At a fundamental level, whoever you are, and whatever your politics are, that just is not right.
When even children can’t get a dental appointment, and our rivers flow regularly with pollutants, I cannot stand idly by. While I know the Lib Dems are best placed to win this seat - and take it from the Tories - our politics will never shift from our focus, which is serving the communities around us.
I think being an MP is a privilege and a public service, not an opportunity to become a personality or be self-important.’
Chair of Torridge and Tavistock Lib Dems, Roger Allen said:
‘We are delighted that Phil has been selected to stand as our Parliamentary Candidate. He is a tough campaigner who cares deeply about the issues facing us in Torridge and Tavistock. Voters can be confident Phil is an excellent candidate who will campaign energetically to defeat the Tories in this constituency.’
If elected, Phil promises to fight full time in parliament making sure our region is heard and listened to day-in, day-out, saying:
‘Having seen the challenges that everyday people face, I will bring that experience and knowledge, together with my determination, to make a difference.’